Quando pesquisando arte queer tridimensional, a maioria dos projetos relacionados com experiências sexuais queer tem como foco gênero e a genitalia. Com o projeto "sexo queer inclusivo" eu te convido a redirecionar a conversa para uma part do corpo universal e tão relevante quanto o assunto é sexo queer. Seis convidados queer tiveram a liberdade de realizar qualquer gesto com a mão para a produção de um molde em gesso.
When researching queer tridimensional art, most of the bodies of work related to queer sexual experiences where focused in gender and the genitalia. With “Inclusive queer sex project” I turn the conversation towards a more universal and just as preeminent part of the body when it comes to queer sex. Six different (queer) subjects had the liberty to perform any shape with their hands and have it casted on color plaster with the prompt: “what does queer sex means to you?]
6 finar art glossy prints
19 x 25 inches
6 color plaster casts
When researching queer tridimensional art, most of the bodies of work related to queer sexual experiences where focused in gender and the genitalia. With “Inclusive queer sex project” I turn the conversation towards a more universal and just as preeminent part of the body when it comes to queer sex. Six different (queer) subjects had the liberty to perform any shape with their hands and have it casted on color plaster with the prompt: “what does queer sex means to you?]
6 finar art glossy prints
19 x 25 inches
6 color plaster casts